Friday, March 14, 2008

Six Pack Abs FAQs

- How do I get six pack abs?

- Obtaining six pack abs is an ongoing process. You have to consistently work at it. You must combine a strict steady diet along with daily exercise. You must reduce your body fat. To lose body fast you will need a low-calorie diet, strength training and a great cardio exercise plan.

- When will I see results?

- This is a tough question. Unfortunately, the truth is that there is no clear cut timeframe. It case varies from person to person. Some people develop faster than others. There are several key factors that play a role in developing your abs. You have to stay motivated, stick to your diet and exercise. You should see results in 3 to 6 months. Worst case scenario would have them developing in a year.

- What are the best cardio exercises?

- You should do plenty of walking, jogging and cycling. Ultimately, you want to choose an activity that you enjoy. You should begin each session with a warm-up. Stretch for 5-10 minutes to get your blood flowing. This will gradually increase your heart rate. Slightly increase your intensity. Then begin your workout.(walking, jogging, cycling) In order to burn fat you must workout for atleast 30 minutes. After working out, end your session with a cool down of light cardio and a stretch.

- Should I take diet supplements while trying to achieve my goal?

- In my opinion, doing things naturally works best. The end result will feel much better. I do not recommend any supplements at this time. Please consult your doctor if you would like to pursue this any further.

- What can I eat?

- Your daily diet should consist of plenty of fruits and vegetables. Try to intake atleast 2-3 fruits per day. You must eat breakfast, it is the most important meal of the day. If nothing else, please eat a small breakfast. You should eat 6 times a day. Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack. Make sure you stretch out these 6 meals. Eat Smart and use common sense. If you know that something is not good for you then do not eat it.

- Do I need to join a gym?

- It is really up to you. To be honest, you do not really need anything other than the proper diet, exercise and self motivation to achieve your goal. You can do this at home.

With this in mind, I am suggesting the purchase of Truth About Six Pack Abs. I have completed an extensive research of the author. He is a credible source. The product is great. It promotes losing weight naturally. This is no doubt the most comprehensive weight loss book I have ever read. This book is for everybody who wants six pack abs or needs to lose weight and flatten their stomach.

To learn more about The Truth About Six Pack Abs System and to find out how YOU can start burning the fat and getting your dream's abs, visit our website The Truth About Six Pack Abs:

By: Lawan Dawd

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