- Lie on your back in a doorway, with one leg through the open door.
- Slide your leg up the wall to straighten your knee. You should feel a gentle stretch down the back of your leg; hold it for 30 to 60 seconds.
- Do not arch your back.
- Do not bend either knee.
- Keep one heel touching the floor and the other heel touching the wall. Do not point your toes.
- Repeat with your other leg.
- Do 3 to 5 times for each leg.
If you do not have a place to do this exercise in a doorway, there is another way to do it:
- Lie on your back and bend the knee of the leg you want to stretch.
- Loop a towel under the ball and toes of that foot, and hold the ends in your hands.
- Straighten your knee and slowly pull back on the towel. You should feel a gentle stretch down the back of your leg; hold it for 30 to 60 seconds.
- Repeat with your other leg.
- Do 3 to 5 times for each leg.