Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Consistency And Muscle Building

If you've tried to gain muscle over the past year but can't seem to make much progress, I want to speak to you briefly about a crucial component of your success. The most important factor in any strength training or mass building program is not any supplement, protein shake, or even the exact workout routines you perform. It's consistency.

You may have heard this at various times in your life. You've heard it stated in different adages like "inch by inch it's a cinch" and "try, try again" along with a dozen other clichés. You probably brushed it aside at the time, since our tendency is to search for the magic bullet - the one key that will unlock all of our desires with the least amount of effort. Unfortunately, we inevitably learn that there is no magic bean that can replace due diligence, determination, and, most of all, consistency. Despite the constant marketing efforts from the companies on TV and radio, the latest supplement or exercise machine will fail to give you as much benefit as a solid program followed over many weeks and months. Always remember that our greatest successes in life almost always come from many small individual choices over time. This seemingly small choices you make each day will have a cumulative effect over time.

You should consult books to gain the right knowledge, but you must understand that any muscle building program will require a significant commitment over a long period time. These courses give you the knowledge to succeed, but you must apply them consistently to achieve any real long-term results. Trust me, I have long had a tendency to look for the latest thing, whether it was in the field of fitness or something else. Jumping from program to program will give you nothing. Reading a popular fitness book without taking action will do nothing to build muscle, nor will an inconsistent effort in the gym. If you make a decision that you're in this for the long haul, you have essentially guaranteed your success from the very beginning. Any flaws can be corrected, and any obstacles can be overcome as long as you're committed to achieving your goals.


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